26 research outputs found

    Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Lockdown As A Risk Predictor In Panama

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    This document describes an investigation undertaken to examine attitudes towards lockdowns through COVID-19 as a psychosocial risk predictor in Panama. We conducted the study through a cross-sectional, prospective, and correlational approach. The study was constructed containing psychometric characteristics in the form of 36 Likert scale items to collect data. The instrument was sent to 233 participants via Google form between April 17 and April 30, 2020. The participants responded fully to the questionnaire. We analyzed the data by mean comparisons, correlation, and regression. There is a significant correlation between each of the studied factors and attitudes. The results indicate that women and people over the age of 51 have a positive attitude towards lockdown. Finally, from the predictive risk model in which 99.9% of the data fit., the affective factor represents 68%, the cognitive factor 22%, and the behavioral factor 10% of predictive importance for lockdown attitudes to COVID-19

    Panama: scope and psychosocial challenges two years after the COVID-19 pandemic

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    It is a review of the challenges that Panama faced during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of mental health. From social psychology, some of the research that provided a vision of the effects in the short, medium, and long term is shown. Finally, social psychology is proposed as a reference framework for the study of the phenomena associated with the pandemic

    Psychosocial impact of virtual networks on university students

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    Technology has modified all aspects of the lives of individuals, making it more comfortable, this is a great achievement of humanity, but it has also made us dependent beings. The use of electronic platforms, social networks, applications (App), artificial intelligence, virtual assistants, among others, represent unimaginable achievements just 50 years ago. Daily life requires a smartphone, since we are not able to orient ourselves geographically, remember a phone number, or any information that is needed since it is easy to take a photo, carry the schedule of activities, financial services through banking online, have the Covid-19 vaccination record, or check food options at a food service, because a QR reader is required. In addition to the daily technological dependence, we find the attitudes and emotional dependence in which preferences, tastes, photographs, music, virtual approach to family and friends, and much more, become an essential support, especially in the young generations. With this framework, the aim is to evaluate the psychosocial impact of virtual networks on university students in the Republic of Panama. For this, a measurement instrument was designed that was applied remotely through Google form ©. The Likert-type format allowed inferential statistical analyzes to guarantee the discrimination index of the items, the reliability of the instrument through Cronbach's Alpha, as well as the construct validity with the factorial analysis using the SPSS 24 © software. The results reveal that university students have a positive attitude towards virtual networks, which represent psychological and social support, which allows users an emotional protection that they use as a defense against the uncertainty of the day to day and about the near future. Thus, the psychosocial impact of virtual networks encourages emotional containment, in addition, they become social support when links are established with small close groups, regardless of their membership in extended groups. Another finding shows that not all the impact of virtual networks is positive, for example, it was discovered that sleep patterns are not healthy, in addition, the information they receive at night can generate anxiety, anguish and stress

    Panama: Scope and Psychosocial Challenges Two Years after the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    It is a review of the challenges that Panama faced during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of mental health. From social psychology, some of the research that provided a vision of the effects in the short, medium, and long term is shown. Finally, social psychology is proposed as a reference framework for the study of the phenomena associated with the pandemic

    Dos años de convivencia con el COVID-19 en Panamá

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    El año 2020, inició la transformación en la vida de millones de personas en el mundo. En el caso de Panamá, el día 23 de enero se ordena la activación del Centro de Operaciones en Salud (CODES), con el fin de monitorear, recomendar acciones e iniciar preparativos de respuesta para la intervención por la pandemia emitida por la OMS y el 13 de marzo se declaró el estado de emergencia nacional por COVID-19, por instrucciones de la presidencia de la República en coordinación con el Ministerio de Salud. Así, la rápida respuesta impuso el cierre de todas las actividades no estratégicas o indispensables, pero continuaron tal como, el funcionamiento del Canal de Panamá y toda la red del Sector de Salud, los Servicios Públicos como Bomberos y Fuerzas Públicas, Protección Civil, Industria agroalimentaria y agropecuaria, Telecomunicaciones, Energía, Carga aérea, marítima y terrestre, Transporte humanitario, Servicios bancarios, financieros y hasta cooperativas de ahorro y crédito. La población civil también demostró distintas iniciativas con el fin de paliar los estragos del nuevo virus, por ejemplo, la solidaridad de sus ciudadanos a través de donaciones, el cumplimiento con las medidas de toque de queda, el programa virtual de apoyo psicológico, el diseño y la construcción de respiradores manuales de bajo costo, entre otros. El número de casos confirmados y fallecidos, marcó modificaciones en el calendario de confinamiento, en la forma de comunicación, de enseñanza y aprendizaje a través de las instituciones educativas, de comercio y convivencia, en una palabra, en la transormación social. El presente documento muestra los esfuerzos de la nación centroamericana por aprender, mitigar y convivir con el COVID-19 durante los primeros 24 meses.The use of organic materials as fertilizer and their degree of maturity can generate positive or negative effects on the germination and growth of crops. The maturation and stabilization of these organic materials can avoid the generation of phytotoxic effects on the seeds. In addition to this, the use of dilutions for these organic fertilizers can greatly reduce these negative effects on the germination and growth of the seeds. An evaluation trial of three commercial organic fertilizers was established at the Cryobiology Laboratory of the University of Panama, to study the phytotoxic effect of diluted extracts from organic fertilizers using the phytotoxicity test on lettuce seeds as a bioindicator plant and using different components and degrees of stabilization and their dilutions on the relative germination percentage, the relative root growth and the germination index of lettuce plants. The results obtained showed that the organic fertilizer from poultry manure with non-stabilized sawdust (T3) diluted to 25% was the best response for the growth variables evaluated in the plant, followed by the pelletized fertilizer from poultry and bovine manure (T2) diluted to 25%. This indicates that the 25% dilution of immature organic fertilizers decreases their phytotoxic effect by reducing the presence of harmful compounds on sensitive seeds such as lettuce. This evaluation procedure for organic fertilizers is fast, economical and allows the safe use of composting products available on the market. Keywords: Bioindicator, dilutions, stabilization, maturity

    Sports Motivation in Athletes in the Face of Psychosocial Risk and Pandemic Due to COVID 19

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    In this chapter, the reader will discover the importance of motivation in general and sports through a tour of the most critical theories in the field. Furthermore, we present the experiences of a group of young athletes during the quarantine due to the covid-19 pandemic in the Republic of Panama. Also, the reader will be able to identify the psychosocial risk variables and how sports is a mitigation factor for covid-19

    An integrative model for the study of attitudes towards statistics, Part 1: establishing the conceptual model

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    We propose a model to study attitudes towards statistics in higher education teachers. In the literature, there is a host of scientific articles aimed at developing and applying measurement instruments whose psychometric characteristics are generally statistically acceptable. However, publications on the structure of attitudes and their relationship with teaching are relatively scarce-especially those dedicated to statistics in higher education. Based on the system of attitudes proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein, the objective is to develop a model to put into perspective what happens to teachers in the classrooms of higher education institutions. It is imperative to know teachers' attitudes and make the appropriate modifications considering the digitalization of information and increased databases

    Analysis of indoor CO2 concentration using split ventilation systems as an indicator of COVID-19 transmission

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    We measured the indoor CO2 concentration in occupied areas with ventilation systems that recirculate air without an external air supply. The average time required to achieve the highest probability of contagion was also measured based on the number of participants in the group. Three different experimental groups were evaluated: Group One (G1), which included 5 participants; Group Two (G2), with 10 participants; and Group Three (G3), with 15 participants. Before the measurements, the CO2 concentration was measured to be homogeneous and its sampled value was given by the difference between the indoor and outdoor CO2 measurements (>5000 ppm or 0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-h work day Time Weighted Average (TWA.). G1 and G3 group participants performed low intensity daily office activities, such as reading and talking. In contrast, Group Two (G2) was asked to perform moderate intensity activities, such as frequently lifting 10 kg items and walking quickly. The CO2 concentration was measured with two instruments to compare the outdoor and indoor measurements. Both devices were configured to take one reading every second for 30 min. A mathematical model was developed from the CO2 concentrations measured, the group size, and the retention factor of the mask being worn to determine the probability of inhaled air contaminated with an aerosol of SARS-CoV-2. We concluded that the likelihood of contagion in enclosed areas such as study areas, offices, and meeting rooms, among others, which use ventilation without a circulation of fresh air, is high. Despite proper distancing and masking, there is a 99% chance of contagion in one of the modeled extreme case scenarios in less than 10 min of exposure. The study took place in Albrook, Republic of Panama, which is a tropical developing coastal geographic location where split air conditioning units are widely used and, like many other countries in Latin America, where indoor air quality has only recently started being discussed publicly and enforced

    Mobile Recommendation System to Provide Emotional Support and Promote Active Aging for Older Adults in the Republic of Panama

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    Aging brings with it physical and cognitive changes that can lead to health problems such as chronic disease and cognitive impairment. Technology is a fundamental ally in improving the quality of life of older adults by enabling accurate and early diagnosis. In this context, we present a mobile application designed to provide emotional support and guidance, thus contributing to the well-being of this demographic group. Our study was based on quantitative research methods, using an experimental approach on a sample of users aged between 60 and 80 years. The results showed that 93.3% of users found the app to be a useful resource for adopting a healthier lifestyle. The app provides specific recommendations, such as breathing exercises to reduce anxiety, recreational activities, exercises tailored to physical ability, and meditation practices. These specific features have been shown to improve the well-being of older adults by providing a personalized approach to the challenges of aging

    Psicología social, clave para el cambio en la educación

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    El documento hace referencia a los cambios que se enfrenta la población panameña, partiendo de una psicología social como clave para un cambio en la educació